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MH004: Familial Trauma

  • 5 Days
  • 1 Participant


Course objectives: I. Learn how to spot the signs of familial trauma in parishioners by identifying the signs of familial trauma in children, teens, and young adults II. Understand the importance of trauma-informed practices with parishioners III. Understand the impact(s) of familial trauma by explaining how trauma affects behavior and thoughts, how traumatic familial experiences affect brain development IV. Provide education on trauma prevention strategies in parenthood and marriage V. Learning objectives will be taught through both lecture and case study analysis and discussionI. Learn how to spot the signs of familial trauma in parishioners by identifying the signs of familial trauma in children, teens, and young adults II. Understand the importance of trauma-informed practices with parishioners III. Understand the impact(s) of familial trauma by explaining how trauma affects behavior and thoughts, how traumatic familial experiences affect brain development IV. Provide education on trauma prevention strategies in parenthood and marriage V. Learning objectives will be taught through both lecture and case study analysis and discussion


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